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Karen Trapenberg Frick

UC Berkeley
Co-Director Transportation Center

Dr. Karen Trapenberg Frick is Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning. She also is Co-Director of the University of California Transportation Center (UCTC) and Assistant Director of the University of California Transportation Center on Economic Competitiveness in Transportation (UCCONNECT)

She teaches graduate and undergraduate classes in transportation policy and planning, and she was the academic lead for CED's [IN]CITY summer program in sustainable city planning. She holds a Ph.D. in city planning from UC Berkeley and a master's in planning from UCLA.

Dr. Frick is an expert on sustainable transport and community-based policies and strategies as well as major transportation infrastructure projects. Her current research focuses on Tea Party and property rights activists' perspectives on planning and planners' responses. She received a "Best Paper of the Year" Award for research in this area from the Journal of the American Planning Association.

Related research in this area is published in the journal, Urban Studies (at http://usj.sagepub.com/content/52/2/209) and through articles written for the California Planning and Development Report and Institute of Urban and Regional Development (See <http://www.cp-dr.com/node/3536> and <http://iurd.berkeley.edu/blog/can-planners-find-common-ground-with-tea-partyproperty-rights-and-other-act>)

Her past research includes an evaluation of variable tolls on the Bay Bridge and an investigation of best practices and challenges related to transport innovations.

Prior to her University position, Dr. Frick was a transportation planner at the San Francisco Bay Area's Metropolitan Transportation Commission, where she worked on a wide range of activities including the agency's award-winning Transportation for Livable Communities program, congestion pricing, transport funding, and legislative analysis.